First of all, let me introduce myself. I am 24 years old girl (by 2019) you can find my name on the profile section. I like different kinds of things or in other words I have bunch of hobbies! To tell you the truth, I’m the type of person who get bored fast. So instead of focusing to one things and be passionate about it, I tend to do anything and everything that catch my attention at that exact time. When I was in elementary school, making things such as crafting, knitting, and making sculpture from clay were my kink. Did it last long? Nope! After I graduated, my hobby as a junior high schooler was drawing. I was so into Japan manga, from Detective Conan, Eyeshield21, Naruto, Sailor Moon, Miiko and many more. I drew every time I got chance, inside the class was not an exception eventho the teacher was explaining, I was definitely drawing something eheh. Did I stop there? Not at all. in my 3rd year I meet, if I can say, my fate LMAO. It was a Korean drama which aired on local television. The drama was called BBF (Boys Before Flower). I love it to the point that I’d buy a magazine just to get my beloved K-actor poster. I also fall in love with the OST and it lead me to SHINee. SHINee is a Korean idol group consist of five fabulous man. Time flies and I fall deeper for this Korean thingy. In Senior HS, I found people who love Korean things just like me and its more than when I was in junior HS. as for now, I am an Inner Circle who support WINNER!
My past hobbies weren’t vanished. I
still love making things and drawing, I even step up my game in drawing. If in
junior HS I like to make manga character, in senior HS I drew REAL people in
the form of sketch! Oh how lovely that time was. If you ask me now whether or
not I still can make a sketch, the answer is no haha. When you sketch, you
should do it frequently in order to make your hand used to it. Since I stop
sketching in college, my hand become stiff but I still can draw manga pretty
good. In college I became laboratory assistant thus make me love reading so
much, from journal to both fiction and non fiction books. Reading and writing
come as a package for me, but don’t get confused because I am not a good
writer. Writing a diary was and still my habit up until now. Get engaged with
reading make that writing habit become more frequent than usual. As for
drawing, since the technology change, I step it up a bit into a digital drawing
and design. I even be able to make money from it.
So in conclusion, I am a girl who has many blissful things as hobby. I feel contended when I do what I love eventho it can changes everyday depend on my mood. In this personal blog, you’ll mostly find things that related to my hobbies. Such as tutorials, book recommendations, reviews, unboxing things and many more that also related to my opinion. I hope you enjoy my writing. Once again, I am not a good writer and I write about everything as I pleased. FYI, I’ll be using both Bahasa and English (I apologize in advance for any grammatical error in my article and thank you for your understanding). Thank you for checking this out! Let’s be friend!
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