At the beginning of new year, most of K-pop group will release A Welcoming Collection, WINNER is not an exception. Welcoming Collection is like a greeting for fans, to cheer them up and to embrace the new year bravely with great positive energy in order to achieve another milestones of success. That’s the way I interpreted a welcoming collection. Unlike an album, this welcoming collection won’t consist of new song but there’ll be the group heart-warming-variety-like video mostly with one until one a half hours duration. I’ll specifically talk about WINNER welcoming collection in this post. So, here we go!

As you can see from the first picture above, WINNER welcoming collection is like a box of happiness with almost 2 kilograms weight and packed with many good stuff inside of it. I’m not exaggerating it, really. Here I’ll show you what are those amazing things inside the box. There are : Outbox, 1 DVD, Photo Book, Desk Calendar, Wall Calendar, Mini Note, To-Do List, Photo Card Set, Polaroid Set, Post Card and a Random Poster. It’s insane right haha. I’ll review it one by one and I assume you already know about WINNER. If you haven’t, check this out 

(note : I’ll be using WC as an abbreviation for Welcoming Collection)

This is the first thing you’ll see when you purchase WC and mostly non-fans will look how aesthetic it’s from the outside before buying it. WINNER 2019 WC is beautifully designed. It has navy color as a base with WINNER name and its frame printed in hologram like design that sparks our fandom color, from light blue-navy-silver like-to a gold. Its beauty is so maddening. It such a waste that I can’t share the video here.

2. One DVD
Contained the heart-warming-variety-like video. Not only that, there is also behind the scene of the video making. This year WINNER featured with Team WINNER to present a goodly amusing video (which is also super hilarious) to Inner Circle. They played some games and end with Team WINNER message to each WINNER member (this is so damn heart fluttering content). Usually our fandom will share the video publicly about two or a month after its release. We have to respect WINNER with the release and if possible buy the WC, so don’t ever rush the fandom to share it as soon as its release. But it’s perfectly fine if you still can’t afford it. Our fellow will definitely share it to spread the love, sharing is caring right.

Just like an album, WC photo book isn’t much different except for the size! Yes, it hella big compare to a regular album. Consist of 148 pages with delighted cover and rainbow like effect. Inside, the photo book capture WINNER’s breathtaking beauty so well. You’ll be able to pleasure you eyes with WINNER flawless visuals from head to toe. Same with the DVD, masternims (someone who provided the fandom with latest news, pictures, vids, and did photo book scan etc etc) will share photo book scan with us around the same time as DVD.

People’s favorite things! Why? Because you can place it in your study or working desk without being too obvious that a certain k-pop group already snatched your heart. It has the same shape with the other common desk calendar except for its picture. Obviously, it’ll have each member pictures and group pictures as background in super HD, well printed paper that make the charm jump out right inside your mind. 

Almost the same like desk calendar except for you should hang it on your wall not you desk hehe. Unlike other common wall calendar, it has no hanger but there is this tiny hole in the middle of its edge. You can use it to hang this on your wall. 

I put these two in the same section because the look alike. Both consist of 56 pages with 116 mm in weight and 180 mm in height. These two have completely different design than the rest even though still use navy as the basic color. If you use it, the commoner won’t notice that it’s a product from a K-pop group.

These two wrapped together inside see-through white envelope (super chic indeed). One post card and two photo cards. Each photo cards has four pictures separated by a cut-able line. 

Its beautifully wrapped in a navy envelope that has the same design as the Outbox. Consist of five photos that printed in somewhat glossy paper but better. For me it looks like the members that the picture themselves which make it more specials.

They not use a tube to store the poster just like an album poster. Because the poster is already stored inside the box. It’s 360 mm in weight and 468 mm in height. You’ll get one poster, and I got Mino! ❤

You won’t regret to get yourself one WINNER 2019 Welcoming Collection. Lovely wrapped with a stunning box and what’s inside the box are marvelous. At the end of the day, its WINNER. Their middle name is aesthetic, so everything coming from the is always enthralling. I will make a video version for this WC unboxing and will update you later after I finished uploading it, enjoy ❤