Debit card with PRIMA logo

At the beginning of May 2019, I experienced an unexpected event that almost threatened my safety. At that time, I was on my way home after teaching private classes. The motorbike that I was riding suddenly shriveled and it forced me to stop in the middle of the highway. Luckily for me, people around swiftly helped me to cross the road and then directed me to go to the nearest tire repairs. Unfortunately, after being inspected by a tire repairman, it turned out that both the inner and outer tires had to be replaced because they were torn and couldn't just be patched. Automatically I have to be willing to buy new outer and inner tires. However, my position at that time was not carrying more cash, only IDR 100,000 was left in my wallet.

broken tire

Worse yet, in that area, I did not meet the bank's ATM machine that I used. I was scared I couldn't go home and had to leave the motorcycle in a tire patch. But finally, the owner of the shop next to the tire patch informed me that there was a PRIMA ATM about 1 KM away. Before making a cash withdrawal I was confused about whether I could actually do cash withdrawals at ATM PRIMA, because at that time I did not know what PRIMA was even though the logo was clearly displayed on my BCA Bank debit card. During the cash withdrawal process, with the use of the same card pin, how happy I was when the transaction succeeded easily, quickly, and safely. Finally I was able to return home safely, fortunately, there was PRIMA!

Who, What, and How is PRIMA works?
Arriving at home, driven by my curiosity towards PRIMA, I started searching about what PRIMA really is, how it works, and why it was so easy to do transactions with other banks. I was stunned when I learned how much the benefits of the PRIMA Network in supporting my daily activities. PRIMA is managed by PT Rintis Sejahtera, the largest ATM network and has been connected with more than 80 banks in Indonesia. PRIMA has a secure ATM network security system and is equipped with an online settlement feature so that the interbank settlement process can be completed in 1 working day only! Imagine, with the strength and exceptional quality of the network, it would certainly facilitate the implementation of Cash Withdrawal, Balance Checks and Interbank Fund Transfers.

In this digital era, PRIMA has been equipped with more than 120,000 ATM networks that are connected to Internet Banking, Mobile Banking and other digital channels throughout Indonesia. No wonder that the quote from PRIMA is: 'Easy Way PRIMA' because the PRIMA network has contributed to facilitate various financial activities in daily life.

Easy Way PRIMA!
PRIMA has several products that all offer the convenience of making transactions for the public. In addition, PRIMA supports Cental Bank’s policy namely the National Payment Gateway (GPN). GPN is a form of interconnection cooperation between national switching networks. This service was launched to facilitate the payment system of the Indonesian people and protect customer transaction data. The PRIMA network has a role in regulating the transaction system so that the Indonesian people can use safe and efficient electronic transaction services. GPN facilitates non-cash transactions where all ATM or Debit cards can make payment transactions on all EDC machines.

PRIMA service products

Want to withdraw cash, check balances and transfer funds between banks anywhere, anytime and from any bank? Relax, there's PRIMA ATM!

Want to achieve the convenience of safe, quality and efficient electronic payment transactions on all EDC machines located throughout Indonesia? Relax, there is a PRIMA DEBIT!

Do you want to make an online payment transaction? Including top-up GoPay and OVO balances without any hassle? Relax, there's PRIMA PAYMENT SOLUTION!

Are you abroad and need emergency funds immediately? Relax, there is the INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTION PRIMA Network!

Want to get the convenience of Flazz electronic money refill transactions? Relax, there is a PRIMA ELECTRONIC MONEY TOP-UP facility!

Long to short, in this modern and fast-paced era, we don't need to worry about difficulties in carrying out financial activities or transactions. Even in an emergency, PRIMA already exists. Thank you PRIMA for various facilities that facilitate daily transaction activities. We heart you!

Click here for the Indonesian version of this article.