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Satanic circle called addiction

coloringiship  ( ) Vulnerable and being exposed to nonsense tradition Seems like the hell will come anytime soon The heart keeps begging but the brain keeps it on The soul struggling to get out of the dirty mud The eyes bawling… Baca selengkapnya

Hampir Gila Tidak seharunya memiliki ekspektasi tinggi Tetapi perasaan senang seperti itu sulit dihindari Bayangkan betapa indahnya hari-hari kedepan Membakar semangat dalam dada Ingin ku tunjukkan bahwa aku bisa Namun, terlebih dahulu aku har… Baca selengkapnya

Quarter Life Crisis

Chin Lu  ( ) Mengapa selalu meratap sendirian Padahal ada orang yang harus dibahagiakan Mengapa harus menyesali ini dan itu Padahal kau tahu dengan jelas apa tujuan hidupmu Mengapa menyalahkan dan merasa rendah diri P… Baca selengkapnya

Saved by the PRIMA Network in Emergencies

Debit card with PRIMA logo At the beginning of May 2019, I experienced an unexpected event that almost threatened my safety. At that time, I was on my way home after teaching private classes. The motorbike that I was riding suddenly shriveled and it forced me to… Baca selengkapnya

Paper in the Circle of Human Life

Eiko Ojala ( Paper was first introduced by Ts'ai Lun in the 2nd century 105 AD (there is also a mention of the year 101 AD). Since then, the use of paper had become increasingly widespread and inseparable from human life. At the begi… Baca selengkapnya